How To Write A Book in 30 Days

This video is all about my method for finishing my first book, in a hurry. I lay out my four steps to completing your manuscript within a month. You'll find some writing tips about how to create a writing schedule. As well as some general good practices like working with a beta reader that knows your writing schedule that can keep you accountable.

So if you've considered writing a book in a month, or maybe participating in NaNoWriMo...check out this video! In the fall of 2019 I wrote every day for 24 days for about 6-7 hours a day. At the end of this time I had written 19 chapters and more than 94,000 words. What started out as an idea for a podcast series became my debut novel and an introduction to a world I dreamed up writing on a balcony in South city St. Louis.

This series will provide insight for fellow writers looking for an author that has experienced 'imposter syndrome,' finding beta readers/critique groups, tips for self-editing, and support for the mental anguish of querying. Join me for new AuthorTube episodes weekly focused specifically on the journey of going from unpublished manuscript to traditionally published author. I also will use this playlist to review books that I’ve recently read or enjoyed. As an author we should always be reading, especially in our chosen genre.

I’m currently in the process of working with a professional editor on getting my manuscript to the next level and prepared for entering the query trenches.

About my book: My story is a YA fantasy that follows a gay teenager living in South city St. Louis. He is surrounded by a supportive family and a diverse group of friends that reflect the eclectic neighborhood he calls home. Being one of only a few out kids at his school, he longs for love and someone special to share the ups and downs of high school.

After a series of recurring nightmares, a dark family secret reveals most of the life he has known is a lie. He’s a powerful warlock from a prominent magical family. Their coven, led by his mother, has been on the run from his father and his family of Dark Magic practitioners for years. There isn’t much time to process the truth before someone he loves is taken and forced into servitude by his father’s cabal of evil sorcery. Bryson is forced to reckon with his reluctance to embrace his newly unleashed power before it’s too late and without revealing that their coven has been hiding in plain sight all along.

NaNoWriMo aka National Novel Writing Month:

St. Louis Writer's Guild: