Query Tools | Querying A Literary Agent | Query Chronicles

Query Chronicles episode 2 is all about The Tools. The tools I used (Query Tracker & MSWL) to build a list of literary agents to query. This step can often be overlooked when entering the query trenches. I suggest writers familiarize themselves with Query Tracker, Manuscript Wish List website and hashtags, and consider a subscription to Publisher’s Marketplace.

Welcome, make yourself at home because we’re talking all about querying literary agents!

I'm Barrett Laurie; an aspiring traditionally published author. Good chance if you've landed on this video, you want to be a traditionally published author too. Here on this channel I talk books, butt stuff and fun stuff. Books: Writing & Reading. Don't get it twisted when I say butt stuff I am talking about my journey with Crohn's disease and the Fun Stuff is everything else that makes life great!

If any of that sounds like fun to you SUBSCRIBE HERE

The path to traditional publishing is not always clear and is rarely easy. So if you're asking yourself...How do I get a literary agent? What goes in a query letter? What is the process for traditional publishing? Do I need a plan for querying my novel? You've come to the right place.

As always I appreciate your love and support and can't wait to see you all next week for the new Query Chronicles video! Please leave a comment about any additional content on the querying process you would like me to cover in this series.

If you want to binge this series CLICK HERE!

#AmQuerying #LiteraryAgent