
Hi friends!

Welcome to my blog! This is a space for me to share with you my goals, successes and failures, as well as any reflections that have served me well in my personal growth.

I’m a thirty-something gay man, married to my best-friend, living in the best city west of the Mississippi River, that lives to tell a good story. Whether that’s in the pages of my novel, here in the blog section of this website, or in the original content created for my YouTube channel, my goal is always the same, tell an engaging story.

I have always connected with others by story telling. In the past, this has been simply finding the funny in everyday happenings in my life, but as I have gotten older it has transformed into a creative outlet. Doesn’t matter if I’m donning a turban and fun reading glasses, which is the closest I will ever get to drag, to film an episode of my web-series ‘Dear Barrett’ or clacking away at my computer revising my debut novel I see my brand as one meant to entertain.

I look forward to interacting with you, here or on the socials (YouTube, Instagram, Twitter - I can be found @Barrett_Laurie), I’m excited to get your feedback on the content I’m producing and what you might like to see more, or less of.

Sending you all love & light,
