Let's Talk About Butt Stuff: My Crohn's Diet

I’m excited to premiere the third episode in my web series about my experiences with Crohn’s disease tomorrow Thursday, July 9th 2020 at 9:00 AM (CST). I call the series, ‘Let’s Talk About Butt Stuff,’ because I find it a bit aggravating how reluctant some men are to discuss “butt stuff.”

When I was diagnosed back in March of 2020 I was surprised by the lack of information online in blogs and on YouTube regarding my particular kind of Crohn’s. Perianal Crohn’s disease is a form of Crohn’s which causes inflammation around the anus both just inside and outside via an anal fistula. It can occur on its own or at the same time as other types of Crohn’s, which can result in inflammation in other parts of the GI tract.

Perianal Crohn’s affects up to 1/3 of people with Crohn’s disease. It is a life-long chronic condition that is currently incurable and is part of a group of conditions known as inflammatory bowel disease or IBD.

To check out the Crohn’s Playlist on my YouTube channel follow this link! Look for new episodes to the channel on Crohn’s every Thursday!

This episode, the third in the Crohn's disease web series, gives you a look at what I eat/drink in a typical day. One of the first things I had to figure out once I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease was my Crohn's diet. Food has a big impact on my digestion and therefore my life.


Thus, mastering what I could eat that wouldn't have a negative impact on my digestion has been an ongoing struggle. I share using intermittent fasting, lots of water, smoothies, salads, nuts and meat (poultry/pork in moderation) only at dinner along with lots of green vegetables.


Also, I talk about the vitamins I take and discuss using Benefiber to supplement fiber intake as well. As always Crohn's Warriors, I tell it like it is, so these videos will go into detail about the "butt stuff."


For all my Crohnies expect videos on the surgeries I've had, my experience with colonoscopies, MRIs and going to battle with insurance over Remicade infusions and other treatments. Other topics related to my journey with Crohn's will also be featured in this series.


Below is the recipe for the smoothie I discuss in the episode.

My Crohn's Diet Smoothie

2-3 cups fresh Spinach or Kale

1 whole Fuji Apple

1/2 cup frozen blueberries or blackberries

1/3 cup frozen strawberries

1/3 cup carrots

1/4 cup Greek yogurt (Vanilla flavor)

1 tablespoon Primo Beets (link not sponsored)

1 tablespoon Chia seeds

1 tablespoon Flax seeds

2-3 cups Coconut Water