Let's Talk About Butt Stuff: Impact of Our Chronic Illness on our Spouses

Hello everyone!

The fourth episode in the Crohn's disease web series on my YouTube channel is up and had a great response! I give you an inside look at the impact of chronic illness on the person I love most in the world, my husband. Chronic illnesses, like Crohn's disease & Colitis, impact most parts of our lives but especially the lives of the people that love us, our spouses, partners, and significant others.

Join me and my husband Rick, as we sit down to discuss what this has been like for us as a couple this last year. We cover the timeline of the illness, briefly touch on his experience with FMLA, and his mental health as all of this has unfolded for us. As always, I invite you to join us as we laugh at ourselves and our circumstances. I believe that laughter is the best medicine, and therefore try to laugh as often as possible!

For all my Crohnies out there expect videos on the surgeries I've had, my experience with colonoscopies, MRIs and going to battle with your insurance company over Remicade infusions. I have upcoming collaborations with a mental health professional, a yogi on Ayurveda and IBD, and other family members on their experiences related to my journey with Crohn's. Crohn's Warriors, you can count on me to tell it like it is, so these videos will go into detail about the "butt stuff."

For anyone out there struggling with IBD Find me on Instagram and Twitter. Give me a follow and slide into my DMs if you need encouragement through a tough flare. I get it.

Love & Light