Genesis of the 'Dear Barrett' web series!

Good morning everyone! If it’s a Saturday that means I’m posting new content to my YouTube Channel! I thought I would share the origin story of this web series in case it inspires you to try something similar.

As anyone knows who has landed on these pages I have a goal of getting a traditional publishing deal for my writing in the future. While I have not officially begun to query agents, I figure I’m not too far from beginning that process. I have several friends that have been published traditionally and they all gave me similar advice.

  1. Have a website (Check)

    The idea behind this is to have a landing page for both agents and publishers to land on when they google you. It tells both that you are serious and ready for the big leagues. I was told that the site doesn’t need to be perfect, it just needs to introduce yourself as an author. Publishing is like owning a business, therefore you need the infrastructure to show publishers that you mean business!

  2. Increase Social Media Following/Engagement (Checkish-WIP)

    While this doesn’t mean increasing vanity metrics for the sake of vanity, I was told that this shows a publisher that you have a built-in audience that is engaged in your content and what you might be trying to sell them in the future…like a book.

  3. Create content that isn’t necessarily focused on your writing, but that showcases your individual personality! (Checkish-WIP)

    This is where the ‘Dear Barrett’ series came to life. For years I have had friends, going back as far as elementary school, DM me to ask me advice on random questions. Sometimes it made sense, like when a child comes out as gay, or when a family member comes out to the family as trans. These instances I completely understood, because I’m a member of the LGBTQ+ community. Other times I was completely baffled why someone would trust the advice of a recovering alcoholic that is struggling to figure out life for himself.

    One day I was at my sister’s house organizing some of my mom’s things and found a box of turbans. I called her to see if she planned to use them, and she told me she didn’t. I took them home thinking I may use them at some point for a skit or something on my YouTube channel.

    Thanks to COVID-19 I hadn’t had a proper haircut in a few months and ran across the turbans while preparing to do a video for my YouTube channel for Pride called Indoctrination cookies. I popped one on and immediately felt sassier than I had moments before putting on the head piece. Also it covered the hot mess express on my head!

    After posting the Indoctrination Cookies video a friend from my past sent me a DM asking for some advice with how to handle a family situation regarding his LGBTQ child. Something inside sparked and I thought, “hey, the turban could be my drag, and I could film an advice series for my YouTube channel where i give sassy advice to people like a gay Dear Abby! And just like that an idea was born.

'Dear Barrett' Blooper IG Post.png

This is the description for the series.

'Dear Barrett' is an advice series. In each episode serving some hard truths and personal advice to inquiring minds looking for some clarity on a pressing issue in their lives. Buckle up everyone because this is going to be a bumpy ride filled with sass and a fair amount of shade! Grab a turban, a cup of tea, and a sense of humor as we tackle problems both big and small. Laughter is the best medicine, so if your heart needs to heal, this playlist is for you!

The thing I would tell anyone trying to find an original idea for content creation is to stay open. The universe will always present you with great ideas, we just have to be open to listening to what it throws our way. If you’re not already following me on the socials shoot over to Instagram and Twitter to give me a follow. I’m very active on both mediums and am very good about keeping up with your comments and messages!

Also before I sign off for today, if you have a question that you might like featured on an upcoming episode of ‘Dear Barrett’ please jet over to my Insta or Twitter and leave a message in my DMs. Put ‘Dear Barrett’ at the top so I know it’s a question for the series.

I’m sending everyone love and light this weekend!